The amalgamation with Islington United Church  is now in place, and the Bloordale facility is  now known as the “Bloordale Campus  of  Islington United Church”.  The name of the  amalgamated entity, as per the amalgamation agreement,  is   “Islington United Church” in recognition of the fact that the membership complement of Islington United Church  was much larger than that of Bloordale United Church.

The final worship service of Bloordale United Church was held on June 30 , 2024. It was well attended by about 40 people, and included  the  confirmation  of one of the Bloordale young  people.

The July 7th worship  service was  held at the Islington site  in “Stewart East Hall”,  which  is most conveniently accessed through the full accessible rear (North East) entrance. Stewart Hall is a large air-conditioned space, and the  10:30 a.m. worship services are held  there in the summer months because  the   Islington Sanctuary is not air conditioned.

The July 7th worship service was led by Rev. Maya Landell and Music Minister Jason Locke , and was well attended with well of over  100 congregants including a good number of Bloordale folks.  Communion was  served, and there was coffee time after the service .  Several children were present during the initial part of the worship service and later  left for “Holy Play” time  led by Brianna Coutlee, the  Children, Youth  and Young Adult Ministry Lead.

Further information about worship services and other activities of Islington United Church  can be found  on

We are continuing to maintain the website at least for the time being, as the website of the Bloordale Campus of Islington United Church ,  and are in the process of updating it to reflect the new arrangements. Meanwhile, we apologize that you may find that some of the content to be out of date.