Our Worship Services are on Sunday at 10:30 .
We meet to seek spiritual refreshment and renewal, to celebrate God’s presence in our lives and in the world, and to help us discern God’s will and way for us here in Etobicoke in the 21st century.
Seekers, questioners and the committed are all welcome, as we worship seeking the spirit’s leading. Though the language is ours, the grace comes from God as revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Special seasonal observances are a yearly highlight, as are regular opportunities to celebrate the sacraments of baptism and communion.
Children usually join the adults in the sanctuary for the beginning of the service and may participate by lighting the Christ Candle, doing a bible reading, singing in the junior choir, or participating in the interactive “Children’s Time” (which is a regular part of our worship service led by our Children’s Program Minister). After “Children’s Time” the children and youth usually proceed downstairs to the church school with our Children’s Program Minister and our Youth leader. Toddlers may be taken to our Toddler facility and left in the care of our fully qualified Early Childhood Education Specialist, to play and socialize with other little ones.
Seekers, questioners and the committed are all welcome, as we worship seeking the spirit’s leading. Though the language is ours, the grace comes from God as revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Special seasonal observances are a yearly highlight, as are regular opportunities to celebrate the sacraments of baptism and communion.
Jesus welcomed everyone, whether they were poor, rich, or just getting by; ill or healthy; self-made or educated; popular or a loner; secure or full of doubts. The United Church of Canada prides itself on welcoming everyone the way Jesus did, regardless of age, race, class, gender, orientation, or physical ability.